Getting out of New Orleans: it is easier here than most other places. |
I did not take any other pictures coming north as I traveled almost the same route. I did have a small detour in Nashville when I missed a junction in rush hour and wound up heading for Knoxville, but felt no burning desire to document it.
Just before I arrived in Lexington there was a fantastic lightning storm with an absolutely terrifying display of lightning strikes hitting the mountains on the eastern horizon. Some looked half the diameter of my little finger held at arm's length and literally turned night into day. I almost took some pictures of it, but it was getting late and I was hesitant to take my digital camera into the downpour without a protective cover. Besides, it was too much fun driving in that kind of weather.
It has been fun and I hope you have enjoyed the pictures and sounds. Got'a run...
Thanks for coming along,
- Jeff
24 July 1999
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