Business EDU Sites

Cornell's U.S. Patent Law Materials [] Home Page

Cornell's U.S. Trademark Law Materials [] Home Page

National Technology Transfer Center (NTTC) [] Sharing tecnology with America

Small Business Advancement National Center [] Its purpose is to provide small business entrepreneurs and small business educators consulting, education and training through the internet, electronic linkages, international contacts, seminars, conferences, research, newsletters, and counseling sessions.

 Small Business Development Center Sites

SBDC National Information Clearinghouse [] Home Page

Arizona Small Business Development Center Network [] A partnership of 10 Arizona community colleges and the U.S. Small Business Administration, the Network operates 36 service delivery sites throughout the state and each year provides some 4,500 small business owners and prospective owners with four basic services: counseling, training, referrals and tools.

Arkansas Small Business Development Center [] provides FREE information and consulting services to both existing small businesses and to individuals starting a small business

Hawaii Small Business Development Center Network [] A Partnership Program with the U.S. Small Business Administration.

Ohio Small Business Development Center [] Ohio Small Business Development Centers exist to provide business analysis to small companies in Ohio. Its basic business analysis services are offered at no cost to new and existing businesses. The services include assistance with business planning, market research, accounting and bookkeeping skills training, analysis of business problems and growth issues, and assistance with computer usage. In addition, Centers offer a number of seminars and training events throughout the year.

Wilkes University Small Business Development Center [] Home Page

WIU Small Business Development Center [] Home Page

 EDU Sponsored Sites

MSU's ELF Search Screen [] This database, compiled by Michigan State University with funding from the Edward Lowe Foundation, contains 612 bibliographic citations from academic and popular periodicals dealing with entrepreneurship.

North Carolina Small Business and Technology Development Center [] A business and technology extension service operated as an inter-institutional program of The University of North Carolina


Foster Business Library [] From the University of Washington

Small Business Development Center National Resources [] Links to other EDU SBDC Centers - by state

Stanford's Jackson Library Selected Business Web Sites [] Home Page

University of Phoenix Virtual Library [] Selected Links

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 Latest Revision 3 September 2000