Business - Social Links

American Association of Home-Based Businesses [] For 75 years, ASAE has been - and remains today - the world's leading membership organization for the association management profession.

American Society of Association Executives [] Links to professional and trade organizations important to Small Business.

Chambers of Commerce Directory [] Search for the one you want.

CommerceNet [] the premier industry association for Internet Commerce...

Disabled Businesspersons Association [] A national 501(C)(3) nonprofit, public charity and educational organization founded in 1991 to help disabled entrepreneurs and professionals maximize their potential in the business world, and to encourage the participation and enhance the performance of the disabled in the workforce.

Business Success Center [] The largest, private small business development network in the US providing support, training, and development for small businesses. - Formerly the Entrepreneur's Association

Home Office Association of America [] HOAA represents homeoffice and small business workers across the nation by providing themwith resources

National Association for the Self-Employed - NASE [] Provides America's small-business owner with news and resources,legislative advocacy and membership benefits such as affordable health insurance, discounted business supplies and scholarships.

National Foundation for Women Business Owners [] Home Page

Women's Business Center [] Home Page

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 Latest Revision 2 September 2000