Business - Web Links

BIZ Online [] Dedicated to the business of World Trade, Import-Export and Free Advertising.

BizProWeb [] Resources for Small Business Owners, Professionals and Home Office Entrepreneurs - Web sites, Newsgroups, Shareware, Feature Articles, Picks of the Day!

Business Netiquette International [] Business e-mail etiquette, and other good manners for International business transactions on the internet including a discussion on unsolicited e-mail and spamming.

Click Network [] The Ultimate Resource for Online Marketing, Advertising and Commerce

Internet Business Solutions [] Business Information from around the world. Newspapers, magazines, Government databases, search and reference library.

NetGuide article: An E-Cash Primer [] Home Page

Pointers on how to create business websites that work [] Home Page

Web Development Center [] WDC is New York based web development company. From simple text only pages to multimedia online catalogs.

Web Monkey E-Business Collection [] Home Page

ZDNet E-Business Essentials [,6755,2591235,00.html] Home Page

Wilson Internet Services [] This looks interesting...

General Marketing Tools and Resources [] Links

12 Web Page Design Decisions Your Business or Organization Will Need to Make [] Homr Page

Can Small Office, Home Office (SOHO) Entrepreneurs Compete with Big Corporations on the Web? [] Home Page

Introductory and General E-Commerce Articles [] Home Page

Questions Small Businesses Ask about the Internet [] Home Page

Research Room [] Home Page

Should You Locate Your Store in an On-Line Mall? [] Home Page

What Is the Purpose of Your Web Site? [] Home Page

Why in the World Should Anyone Come to Your Web Site? [] Home Page

Web Promotion

1-2-3 Promote [] Learn how to reach any site goal, attract any market, and how to win "Top-20" search standings. Click Site Planner to begin

BizWeb 2000 [] Free Internet marketing help and web site promotion tips for small and home based businesses.

Central Registry [] where your Home Page is submitted to over 620 Internet indexes and directories.

Counter, The [] One of the most advanced counter and tracker services, but still very easy to use. And maybe best of all, it's free and dosen't require you to put a banner on your site.

LinkExchange [] Grow online traffic and revenue for your small business - Place banner ads

List Bot [] Start your own FREE email list!

Netmind [] Track any Web page at any level of detail and we will alert you to changes via your email, cell phone, pager, PDA, or the Web. Free!

PostMaster [] PostMaster is the Internet's premier site announcement service! Use our online application to submit your information to 340 search engines, directories, what's new, whats cool, and media outlets, plus 12665 interested individuals - automatically, with accuracy, accountability, and customization.

Recommend It [] ...empowers your website's visitors with the ability to quickly and easily tell their friends and colleagues about your website. Free!

Submit It! [] Use Submit It! to register your URL with hundreds of search engines and directories

Traffic Boost [] Submit your Web Site URL to over 530 Internet Search Engines and Directories.

WebStep TOP 100 [] This is the world famous, legendary (well, popular anyhow) WebStep TOP 100™, the free index of the best free places to list your website.

See also: Web ]


BizWeb [] Home Page

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 Latest Revision 17 September 2000