Computers and Technology

Age of Spiritual Machines by Ray Kurzweil, The [] A very interesting study of the future world of computing.

Are your telecommuting needs being met? [] CNN Article

Association of Support Professionals, The [] a national organization dedicated to the advancement of the software support profession...with local chapters where individual members can share ideas, insights, and experiences with their colleagues.

Beverly Hills Software

Basic Computer Concepts [] Home Page

Beverly Hills Software [] The Windows NT Resource Center. Here you can find software, answers, sites, consultants, jobs, resumes... everything you'd ever want to know about Windows NT

Job Center [] Resumes and job postings

Downloads [] Thanks, Lance

Technical Support [] the place to visit when you have a technical question and need help fast

Beyond Computing - Online [] Home Page

Bob Jensen's Web Site [] Home Page

Technology Glossary [] Home Page

BONZI Voice Email []

Center for Information Law and Policy [] Home Page

Computers for Freedom and Privacy [] Home Page

Database Tips [] PLATINUM's Database Tips are provided as a service to the database development community. These tips address practical methods for increasing system performance, enhancing data availability, and effectively tackling complex database administration problems. DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, and Sybase are all covered.


Computer Networking Forum [] Home Page

Forums Home [] Free Self-Managed Online Meeting Place with Message Boards and Chat -- for Businesses, Associations, Interest Groups, or Family Discussions. Private or Open.

Tips & Tricks for Lotus Notes Forum [] Home Page [] provides you with all the tools you need to build Web-based apps and share them with thousands of users.

Eight Ways to Do Good With Your Computer [] Home Page

Five Ways to Faster Online Speed [] Home Page

Gartner Group, Inc. [] Home Page

Glossary of Internet Terms [] Home Page

High Tech Dictionary [] A Glossary of Computer Oriented Abbreviations and Acronyms

Internet Information [] History, overview and Q&A

InternetSourcebook.Com [] Home Page

itmWEB [] One of the largest specialized Information Technology sites on the Internet. It contains hundreds of pages of resources, papers, and links.

Jargon Dictionary, The [] Home Page

Linear Tape Open [] High-performance tape storage technology with the versatility, reliability and performance network tape buyers have been waiting for.

Stratigic Research Corporation [] Specializes in Market Research, Product, Business, and Market Development, Consulting, Publishing, and Industry Conferences.

Kim Komando's Site [] Kim Komando's Komputer Klinic. Providing free information that makes using your computer easy and fun.

Marcraft Corporation [] Specialists in Labeling, Marking and Carton Sealing Systems

NetscapeWorld [] Home Page

Network Management Trap, The - From Network Computing [] Oct. 15, 1995 Table of Contents

NSTL Home [] The world's leading independent information technology testing organization.

Privacy []

Scalable High Performance Computing Applications [] A proposal to the Intel Corporation, Academic Relations, AGI-102 IDPW Project by the Johns Hopkins University

Technology Guides for Communications & Networking, Data Warehousing, Document Management, Enterprise Computing and Internet Technology [] Home Page

Windows Sources [] Home Page


PC Hell [] Home Page

No Wonder [] Internet Technical Assistance

Service 911 [] On-line references / You may have problems with the Novell 4.1 refs the others look O.K.

Web Force Systems [] Glossary of Terms [] a new way to understand and control the Internet and the World Wide Web by searching and exploring its basic and most recent words and terms. It is designed for user control, ease-of-navigation, context retention, and immediate access to hundreds of definitions, many of which link selectively to other useful sites.

ZD's Tips/Solutions [] Home Page


Cleveland Computer Community Calendar [] A listing and directory of upcoming computer related events, such as computer user group meetings, computer seminars, and computer shows in the Greater Cleveland area. - Thanks to John Colket for the link

Handy Guide to Software, A [] Home Page

Info Service, The [] Internet/Computer Resources

Inter-Links [] An Internet navigator, resource locator, and tutorial.

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 Latest Revision 28 March 2001