Business Directories

CorpTech Database of Technology Companies [] "The premier site for research on America's technology manufacturers and developers: private and public companies creating tomorrow's high-tech products today!" - 50,000 listings

D&B Companies Online [] "Discover the U.S. companies behind the web sights"

Executive Suite Offices For Lease [] Includes information on 2,000+ offices available worldwide!

Hoover's Online [] "Hoover's Online offers countless resources for company research, all with an editorial style" [] "FREE service from Martindale-Hubbell is designed specifically for individuals and small businesses"

Thomas Register of American Manufacturers [] Home Page

Toplist [] The software version of The Book of Lists.

LawOffices.Com [] Home Page

ZD's Company Finder [] Profiles of 4,700+ high-tech companies

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 Latest Revision 29 January 2000