
America's Learning eXchange [] ALX is the premier electronic marketplace where individuals and companies can readily find appropriate training and education resources. ALX connects people to the training and education they need!

Autodidactic Press [] Lifelong learning advocate

Benton Foundation, research on the social benefits of communications technology [] The best study and research collections on the web. [] Bringing Education Online

College Is Possible [] Home Page

CollegeNET Home Page [] Home Page

Confronting Technology Lowell W. Monke - Teacher - about technology and education

Critique of technology use in higher education by David Noble

Part 1 [] Home Page

Part 2 [] Home Page

Part 3 [] Home Page

CSU Division of Continuing Education [] Home Page

Educause [] The mission of EDUCAUSE is to help shape and enable transformational change in higher education through the introduction, use, and management of information resources and technologies in teaching, learning, scholarship, research, and institutional management.

Issues (pubs) [] Home Page

EPA Student Center [] Home Page

Family Education Network [] Parenting and Education Resource

Home School Academy, The [] Lifelong learning advocate

Home School Internet Resource Center, The [] Home Page

How Adults Learn [] Summary of the Conference

Hubble SpaceTelescope Images by Subject [] Home Page

Iamgination Factory, The [] Ways to recycle by making art.

Leon James Home Page Hawaii Site for Traffic Psychology and the Online Generational Curriculum [] Home Page

Learning in the Real World skeptical info on education and technology

Learning Link - PNC Bank [] On-line articles and links - worth a look

McKinsey & Co.'s report on Connecting K-12 Schools to the Information SuperHighway The costs of wiring America's schools

National Center for Research in Vocatoinal Educaton [] NCRVE is the nation's largest center engaged in research, development, dissemination and outreach in work-related education.

NETFUTURE, More of the above

No Frills, Fast-Loading Home Schooling Website!!! [] Home Page

Ohio School to Work [] The Ohio School-to-Work office provides leadership for various initiatives and, more specifically, for coordinators of 12 regional offices statewide. There are around 200 School-to-work partnerships throughout Ohio.

OWL Workshops and Presentations PowerPoint [] A selection of interactive PowerPoint presentations on a variety of writing-related topics designed specifically for instructors.

Perspectives of Hands-On Science Teaching [] Home Page

Rivers of Life [] Home Page

Rivers of Life for Teachers [] Home Page

Tammy Miyamoto Report 1 - Generational Curriculum Digital Library [] Home Page

Teachers Network, Ideas for the classroom

Tech Corps, Integration of new technologies into schools

The Virtual High School An experimental online venture offering Web-based courses

ThinkQuest An international competition for high school students to develop educationally-sound Web sites

Thursday's Classroom [] Lesson plans, live broadcasts and chatlines with scientist.

U.S. News .edu Home Page [] Home Page

Visible Human Project, The [] Home Page

Vision and Learning Problems [] Home Page

Technology & Learning Magazine how to use technology in the classroom.

For the kid in all of us

American Experience, The [] Home Page

Ask Jeeves for Kids [] Home Page

Discovery Channel Online [] Home Page

EdWeb computer use in schools

Grammer Lady [] Home Page [] Home Page

National Geographic [] Home Page

Spainish [] Some kids like spanish (honest!!)

Use of the NII for Education and Lifelong Learning [] The National Information Infrastructure (NII) promises every business, government agency, hospital, home, library, and school in the nation access anywhere to voice, data, full-motion video, and multimedia applications. The impact of these capabilities on learning -- for the children, for higher education students, and for lifelong learners -- will be substantial.

Walkin' Jim Stoltz: Kid's Korner [] invites users to take a walk on the wild side with Walkin' Jim Stoltz via his 23,000 miles of backcountry trekking. A site for the whole family featuring wilderness photos, folk music, poetry, tales of the trail, wild lands issues and trail advice for backpackers.

Young Investor [] Liberty Financial's Young Investor Web Site, a place to learn about money and maybe even earn some too.

Yahooligans! [] Home Page


1997 Report to the President on the Use of Technology to Strengthen K-12 Education

U.S. Department of Education Office of Education Technology site

U.S. Dept. of Labor-Employment/Training [] Home Page


B.J. Pinchbeck's Homework Helper [] Most interesting and now hosted by Discovery.Com

Education Index [] Home Page

InfoMine [] Scholarly Internet Resource Collections - from UC

Teachers helping teachers []

Social Science Information Gateway [] Home Page

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 Latest Revision 28 January 2001