
America Online [http://www.aol.com] Home Page

Atom Films [http://www.atomfilms.com/] Committed to bringing the best in short entertainment to every conceivable audience.

BBC Online [http://www.bbc.co.uk/home/today/] Home Page

Bustamove! [http://www.bustamove.com/] Learn to dance - salsa, swing, wedding basics

Cinemachine [http://www.cinemachine.com/] Reviews

Directory of Science Fiction Crowsnest - the listing for SF & fantasy related resources [http://www.computercrowsnest.com/frmsetdirectory.htm] Home Page

Disney [http://www.disney.com/] Home Page

Disney's Internet Group [http://www.dig.com] Home Page

Drew's Sctipt-O-Rama [http://www.script-o-rama.com/] TV Movie Scripts

DTSS - Star Trek, Star Wars, Babylon 5 and Sci-fi Wallpaper [http://desktopstarships.com/] Home Page

Excelsior Campaign [http://excelsior.iftcommand.com/low/] The Official Excelsior Campaign Website

Internet Movie Database [http://us.imdb.com/] When a book won't do

Match.Com [http://www.match.com] Home Page

Movie Sounds Page, The [http://www.moviesounds.com] Movie Audio Files - Thanks to Ross Brunson for the link

Onion, The [http://www.theonion.com] Home Page

SciFi.Com [http://scifi.ign.com] Home Page

ShowBIZ Daily Box Office Report [http://www.showbizdata.com/contacts/dailybox.htm] Home Page

Star Trek: WWW [http://www.stwww.com] The Mother of all Star Trek Sites - Thanks to Ross Brunson for the link

Star Wars FanFilm Network [http://www.atomfilms.com/default.asp?spot_id=143] Home Page

TFN Fan Films [http://theforce.net/theater/allfilms.shtml] Home Page

TV Guide [http://www.tvguide.com] Home Page

Listings [http://www.tvguide.com/listings/] Home Page

U.B.S. Casual [http://www.barfleet.org/casual/] Follow the voyages of the United Bar Ship Casual as it drifts hopelessly (drunkenly?) along a spiral arm of our galaxy.

Warner Bros. Online [http://www.warnerbros.com/] Home Page

Yahoo! Net Events [http://events.yahoo.com] Home Page

Zap2it.com [http://www.zap2it.com/] Your source for everything television, including tv listings, news, chat, nielsen ratings. - Formerly Ultimate TV

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 Latest 28 January 2001