Government Domain

1997 Report to the President on the Use of Technology to Strengthen K-12 Education

Bureau of Labor Statistics [] Home Page

California Office of Emergency Services [] Home Page

Centers for Disease Control [] Home Page

CIA World Fact Book [] If you don't need to know it, it is not here.

CIA's Chiefs of State []

Dept. of Health and Human Services [] Home Page

EPA Student Center [] Home Page

Global Infectious Disease Threat and Its Implications for the United States. The [] Home Page

Healthfinder [] Home Page

How Adults Learn [] Summary of the Conference

Interactive Weather Information Network (IWDS) [] By the National Weather Service

Internal Revenue Service [] Home Page

Lat/Long US cities []

Library of Congress [] Need a book?

America's Library [] Need a book?

Office of International Programs [] - Formerly the U.S.Information Agency

NASA [] Home Page

Lunar and Planetary Institute [] Home Page

Shuttle and Satellite Tracker [] Home Page

National Archives and Records Administration [] Home Page

NIST Time and Frequency Divison [] It's about time!!!

Small Business Administration []

Shareware [] Home Page

THOMAS -- U.S. Congress on the Internet []

U.S. Business Advisor, The []

U.S. Census Bureau [] Home Page

U.S. Department of Education Office of Education Technology site

U.S. Dept. of Labor-Employment/Training [] Home Page

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission [] Home Page

U.S.Information Agency [] Home Page

Use of the NII for Education and Lifelong Learning [] The National Information Infrastructure (NII) promises every business, government agency, hospital, home, library, and school in the nation access anywhere to voice, data, full-motion video, and multimedia applications. The impact of these capabilities on learning -- for the children, for higher education students, and for lifelong learners -- will be substantial.

United States Postal Service [] Home Page

ZIP Code Lookup [] Home Page

Walkin' Jim Stoltz: Kid's Korner [] invites users to take a walk on the wild side with Walkin' Jim Stoltz via his 23,000 miles of backcountry trekking. A site for the whole family featuring wilderness photos, folk music, poetry, tales of the trail, wild lands issues and trail advice for backpackers.

White House Web site

Year 2000

Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council [] Similar to the Federal Reserve Board page, but don't let the format fool you.

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation [] Home Page

FEMA's Y2K [] Home Page

Indian Health Service Y2K Page [] Home Page

Senator Bennett's Y2K Page [] Home Page

Senior Executive Service [] Home Page

Y2K Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS) Database [] Home Page

These might as well be a GOV domain name

Federal Reserve Board [] Similar to the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council page, but don't let the format fool you.

GPO Gate at University of California [] A World Wide Web interface to the Government Printing Office's suite of databases known as GPO Access.


FedWorld [] Links to federal sites

USBR Year 2000 Information Page [] Reclamation Year 2000 Information Home Page

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 Latest Revision 28 January 2001