Hobbies and Lifestyles

London House, The [http://www.thelondonhouse.co.uk/] Home Page

Do It Yourself Home Repair [http://www.doityourself.com/] Home Page

American Association of Retired Persons Webplace [http://www.aarp.org] Home Page

Ark Institute, The [http://www.arkinstitute.com/] Non-hybrid Seeds, Water Filters and Gardening

Epicurious [http://www.epicurious.com/a_home/a00_home/home.html] Home Page

Family.com [http://www.family.com] Home Page

Fine Woodworking [http://www.taunton.com/fw/] A magazine for craftsmen, carpenters and furniture makers

Food Network [http://www.foodtv.com] Home Page

FutureGarden [http://futuregarden.com] Home Page

Genealogy Toolbox [http://genealogy.tbox.com/] Sites within the Toolbox contain links to thousands of genealogically-related sites, profiles of genealogy software, articles on genealogy in the Journal of Online Genealogy, allow posting of genealogical queries, and provide information on genealogical books.

Internet Cooking Index [http://www.cookingindex.com/] Home Page

Internet Shooting Directory [http://www.pla-net.net/~rcomer/] Home Page

iVillage [http://www.ivillage.com/] Real solutions for real women.

Lost Art Internet Database, The [http://www.lostart.de/index.php3?lang=english" ADD_DATE="955484601] Thanks to Harold for the link

New Age Info [http://www.newageinfo.com/res/weird.htm] Weirdness, Strangness and free thought

New Homemaker, The [http://www.newhomemaker.com/] Provides hard-core, practical advice and resources for the woman (or man) who stays home to care for family.

Olympus C-2500L Digital Camera [http://www.imaging-resource.com/PRODS/C2500/C25A.HTM] Looks Nice

Over the Bluegrass Aviation LLC [http://www.overbluegrass.com/] Ultralight Aircraft

Parent Soup [http://www.parentsoup.com] Home Page

RootsWeb [http://www.rootsweb.com/] The Internet's Oldest and Largest Genealogy Site

Success Coaches/ICQ Chatroom ICQ# 4222093 [http://gr8fx.com/sc/] To encourage everyone in their desire to create more successful lifestyles

Trailmanor - Travel Trailers, better than a tent camper [http://www.trailmanor.com/] Thanks to Ron for the link

Women's Wire [http://www.women.com/] Home Page

Working Mom's Refuge [http://www.moms-refuge.com/] Need a break?

WWW of Fitness [http://www.fit.org/] Home Page

See also: Health ]

See also: After Hours - Survival ]


Model Rocketry Links [http://www.google.com/search?q=rocketry+model+geocities&num=100&sa=Google+Search] Home Page

Rocky Mountain Survival Group [http://www.artrans.com/rmsg/toc.htm] - AN INFORMATION CLEARINGHOUSE FOR SURVIVAL -

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 Latest Revision 28 January 2001