Home Grown Computers

HardwareCenteral - Tutorials Buld Your Own PC* [http://www.hardwarecentral.com/hardwarecentral/tutorials/109/1/] Home Page

How to Build Your Own Athlon Computer - Part 1 [http://duxcw.com/digest/Howto/buildcom/athlon/ath_1.htm] Home Page

How to build your own computer. A step by step guide [http://www.thetechzone.com/articles/build_it_yourself/] Home Page

Learn to Build Your Own Computer [http://www.freeyellow.com/members4/hansworse/] Home Page

PC Mechanic's Build Your Own... Guides [http://www.pcmech.com/build.htm] Home Page

Build Your Own PC (1996 ?) [http://www.verinet.com/pc/] Home Page

A Basic Guide To Building Your Own Computer [http://www.ameritech.net/users/ncurtiss/build.htm] Home Page

See also: Heavy Hardware ]

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 Latest Revision 11 September 2000