Local Information

Apartments by Rent.Net [http://www.rent.net/] Home Page

Travel by Excite [http://travel.excite.com/] Fromerly City.Net

Fast Area Code Look-Up [http://www.555-1212.com/ACLOOKUP.HTML] Where is that place?

Newspaper Association of America - Hot Links [http://www.naa.org/hotlinks/] Home Page

Spring Street [http://www.springstreet.com/n.nd/ss/pgHome] Search for apartments

United States Postal Service ZIP Code Lookup [http://www.usps.gov/ncsc] Home Page

United States Postal Service [http://www.usps.gov/] Home Page

World Wide Waiter [http://www.waiter.com/] Home Page

WorldNow [http://www.worldnow.com] Home Page

Zip2 [http://www.zip2.com] Must Accept Cookies - Search for 16 million businesses in the USA; get precise door-to-door directions and interactive maps; easiest service to use on the web.

ZipInfo [http://www.zipinfo.com/search] Free zipcode lookup with area code, county, latitude, longitude, MSA, PMSA, congressional district, FIPS code, and time zone. Updated monthly.

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 Latest Revision 3 September 2000