
Amazing Brain Music Adventure [] "This site is about YOUR BRAIN, how to turn on incredible CREATIVITY, INTELLIGENCE, PLEASURE, and ESP as easy as clicking on a light switch."

Diary of an MP3 beginner [] CNN [] Experience streaming MP3 broadcasts

MP3 Explained [] Home Page

MP3 Search [] Home Page

MP3 Wow [] Search, News, Downloads [] Home Page [] Home Page [] Home Page

Napster.Com [] Thanks to Stan Cork and Charles Grace for the link

NeuroSonics, Inc. [] Home Page

Scour.Com [] With Scour Exchange you can share your favorite music, videos, and even your most embarrassing photos with users all around the wired world.

See also: Audio ]

See also: Internet Radio & TV ]

Business Oriented

A In-and-Out Guide to Write a Publicity Plan [] Home Page

Market Segment Specialization Program (MSSP); Entertainment, Music Industry [] Home Page

Musician Assist [] Begin

Archives [] Feature Articles

Rock n World [] Home Page

Second Sight Music [] A show case for independent artist/songwriters.


ZDNet MP3 Toolkit [] Home Page

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 Latest Revision 28 January 2001