
Cool Focus [] Formerly Code Page

Gamelan's Java Software Directory [] Home Page

Justin's Java Workshop [] Home Page

JAVA 1998 []

Java Language Specification, The [] Home Page

Java Tutorial, The [] A practical guide for programmers

Yahoo! - Computers and Internet-Programming Languages-Java-Guides, Tutorials and Documentation [] Home Page


Funmessage [] Home Page

Jars.Com [] the #1 Online Java Review Service for developers. It includes many categories of applets and applications some including references with source code.

JavaScripts.Com [] ...the ultimate JavaScript resource. Our members enjoy hundreds of scripts, forums and how-to guides.

Kenny's Java Page [] Home Page

Navigator Ticker [] Home Page


BUILDER.COM - 30 JavaScript tips [] Home Page

JavaScript Source [] Home Page


Java Support In Netscape Products [] Home Page

JavaScript Guide [] Home Page

JavaScript Reference [] Home Page

Object Hierarchy and Inheritance in JavaScript [] Home Page

- Thanks to Erin Garlock for the links in this section.

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 Latest Revision 3 September 2000