
Babel Fish Translator [] Cut and paste language translator

Compton's Encyclopedia Online [] Home Page

Defense Technical Information Center [] DTIC Vision. . . Provide quality information infrastructure that permits individual use and collaborative efforts by providing authorized access to information worldwide. Maintain a central repository of Defense information. Working together, DTIC's staff is the momentum behind DTIC's technological advances.

Emergency Management GOLD [] If you need the information, it is here.

Encyclopedia Britanica [] Home Page [] "This site conveniently places an extraordinary amount of information at your fingertips. More than 14,000 articles from The Concise Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, Third Edition have been assembled to provide free, quick and useful information on almost any topic. [] an easy-to-use site for rapid translations where you can get the "gist" of foreign language text and web pages.

Legal Information Institute [] Home Page

Mega Converter [] The Web's (and the Universe's) best place to figure out wht equals what...

Market Research for the Americas [] Market study of the Western Hemisphere

Old Farmer's Almanac, The [] The one and only!

U.S. Census Bureau [] Home Page

Office of International Programs [] - Formerly the U.S.Information Agency

Research-It! [] "Research tools, find, searches, search engines, research, locate, lookup, search Web pages, finding, searching, look up..." lots of stuff.

Symbols.Com [] Contains more than 2,500 Western signs, arranged into 54 groups according to their graphic characteristics. In 1,600 articles their histories, uses, and meanings are thoroughly discussed. [] a new way to understand and control the Internet and the World Wide Web by searching and exploring its basic and most recent words and terms. It is designed for user control, ease-of-navigation, context retention, and immediate access to hundreds of definitions, many of which link selectively to other useful sites.

Word Spy, The [] Home Page

World Facts

CIA World Fact Book [] If you don't need to know it, it is not here.

CIA's Chiefs of State []

Flags of the World Database []

Getty Thesaurus of Geographical Names []

Lat/Long US cities []


Acronyms and Abbreviations [] Home Page

Dictionary of Measures, Units and Conversions, A [] Home Page

Hypertext Webster Interface [] Home Page

OneLook Dictionaries [] Home Page

Pronunciation Dict. [] Home Page

Rhyming Dictionary [] Home Page

Yahoo! - Reference-Dictionaries [] Home Page

Yourdictionary.Com [] - Formerly A Web of On-line Dictionaries


English weights & measures [] Home Page

UNC Chapel Hill - Virtual ReferenceDesk [] It is amazing what you can find

Visual Thesaurus [] This is the engine behind the Smithsonian program

World Rulers [] Historical


Collectors Online [] Links to 1,000 museums

FedWorld [] Links to federal sites

Guide to Knowledge External Links [] Very useful

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 Latest Revision 17 September 2000