Specialized Search Engines

Argus Clearinghouse [http://www.clearinghouse.net/] Info Guides

Commercial Finance Online [http://www.cfol.com/default.htm] The World's Largest Business Financial Search Engine.

Credit Card Search Engine [http://CreditCardSearchEngine.com/] Search to find the credit card that fits your needs.

Forum One [http://www.forumone.com] The Web's Search Engine for Online Discussion Forums.

HealthGate.com [http://www3.healthgate.com/] Home Page

Hub Page [http://www.paradigmclock.com/main.html] This website was created to support, enhance and acknowledge the 50-year effort on the part of thousands of men and women to expand our understanding of phenomena associated with the presence of extraterrestrial life forms in our world.

Internet Domain Survey [http://www.isc.org/ds/] The Domain Survey attempts to discover every host on the Internet by doing a complete search of the Domain Name System.

IT Policy On-Ramp [http://www.itpolicy.gsa.gov/] The gateway to promote the strategic management and effective use of Federal information technology through the collaborative development and execution of Governmentwide programs and functions.

KnowX [http://www.knowx.com] Instant public records searches. Find people, background check, genealogy research, find assets and much more public information. - Registration Required - LOTS of cookies

Liszt [http://www.liszt.com] A really big directory of mailing lists (and newsgroups, too). If you like anything, you're bound to find something you like here.

MP3 Wow [http://www.mp3wow.com/] Search, News, Downloads

Research-It! [http://www.iTools.com/research-it/research-it.html] "Research tools, find, searches, search engines, research, locate, lookup, search Web pages, finding, searching, look up..." lots of stuff.

RootsWeb Genealogy Search [http://www.rootsweb.com/rootsweb/searches/] Home Page

SearchForum.com [http://searchforum.com/] Comparison shop by category

Space.Com [http://www.space.com/] Home Page

Topica [http://www.topica.com/] A free Internet service that allows you to easily find, manage and participate in email lists


Company Sleuth [http://www.companysleuth.com/] Scours the Internet for free, legal, inside information on the companies you select.

Integra Information [http://www.integrainfo.com/] Integra Information provides private company financial information to people that manage, support and market to the private company sector.

Public Register's Annual Report Service, The [http://www.prars.com/] Free annual reports

World M&A Network [http://www.worldm-anetwork.com/] Mergers and acquisitions search service that publishes a database of companies for sale, merger candidates, corporate and strategic buyers, and sources of financing.

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 Latest Revision 28 January 2001