
Artemis Project, The [] An international venture to establish a privately owned and operated exploration base on the moon.

Bigelow Aerospace [] Non-Government Aerospace

Center for Astrophysics & Space Sciences, UCSD [] Home Page

Center for Earth and Planetary Studies [] CEPS performs original research and outreach activities on topics covering planetary science, terrestrial geophysics, and the remote sensing of environmental change.

Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space [] From the United Nations

Cosmos on a Shoe String, The [] Home Page

Dr. Sky [] Home Page

Dreamtime [] "In the coming years, Dreamtime will be devoting their time, resources and efforts to help promote science, education and the wonders of space through three avenues: 1. A vast, digitized archive of NASA documents, photos, video and audio clips. 2. A multimedia space portal offering unmatched NASA content. 3. World-class film, video, documentary and television programming.

Firmage.Org [] Why would a very successful businessman post something like this and quit the company he founded?

Goodricke-Pigott Observatory [] "Engaging in amateur astronomy in a professional manner"

Haughton-Mars Project [] Home Page

Hubble SpaceTelescope Images by Subject [] Home Page

ISSO [] The International Space Sciences Organization ( is a cutting-edge research institute dedicated to advancing human knowledge of the science of being. ISSO organizes and funds theoretical and experimental research and education in advanced propulsion, energy generation, and consciousness studies.

Mars Society [] Home Page

Meta Research [] Astronomy Research On The Origin And Nature Of Celestial Bodies

MIT Center for Space Research [] Home Page

MSNBC Spacce News [] Article

NASA Displays & Cam Feeds []

NASA [] Home Page

Lunar and Planetary Institute [] Home Page

Shuttle and Satellite Tracker [] Home Page

National Space Society [] NSS's vision is people living and working in thriving communities beyond the Earth. NSS members promote change in social, technical, economic, and political conditions to advance the day when people will live and work in space.

Permanent [] Asteroids for Space Development, Commercialization and Colonization

Planetary Society [] Your connection to the exploration of the solar system and the search for life in the universe.

Pro Space [] ProSpace is a grassroots organization of American citizens dedicated to opening the Space Frontier to ALL people as rapidly as possible

Project S.T.R.A.T. Earth Station One [] Mission - "To explore the mystries of the cosmos and enlighten those around us with the knowledge unlocked from the heavens."

Russia's Mir Space Station to become orbiting hotel [] Article

SEDS Internet Headquarters [] Science: Space: Exploration: Organizations: Students for the Exploration and Development of Space

SETI Institute [] "The home for scientific research in the field of Life in the Universe."

SETI League [] "The international grass-roots organization dedicated to privatizing the electromagnetic Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence"

SKY Online [] Your Astronomy Source on the World Wide Web

Solar Terrestrial Activity Report [] Home Page

Space Access Society [] Space Access Society's sole purpose is to promote radically cheaper access to space, ASAP. We think it's possible within ten years, with a little luck and a lot of hard work. Join us and help us make it happen! Welcome to our minimalist under-construction web page, where we'll try to give you a handle on how we all got into this mess, how SAS proposes we get out of it, and what you can do to help.

Space Frontier Foundation, The [] An organization of people dedicated to opening the Space Frontier to human settlement as rapidly as possible.

Space Future [] for everyone who'd like to visit space. Features include the archive of space tourism work, information on vehicles, tourism and power plus mailing lists and the Space Future Journal.

Space Island Group [] " dedicated to the development of commerce, research, manufacturing and tourism in space."

Space Research Institute (IKI) [] As the leading organization of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the field of investigations of Outer Space, Solar System planets and other objects of the Universe, Space Research Institute (IKI) is primary in charge of long-range planning and elaboration of space research programs of which a considerable part is performed within the framework of international space research cooperation. IKI is the contractor of the Russian Space Agency.

Space Studies Institute [] Opening the energy and material resources of space for human benefit by completing the missing technological links to make possible the productive use of the abundant resources in space.

Space Tourism Initiative [] Home Page

Space Views [] An online publication of news and opinion from space science, technology, and policy, sponsored by the National Space Society

Space Zone [] Space America Foundation for Education was created to inspire children and young adults with hope for the future using the heroic accomplishments of American space exploration as a model for leadership, innovation, teamwork and dedication to academic excellence.

Spacewatch [] The primary goal of Spacewatch is the study of statistics of comets and asteroids in order to investigate the collisional evolution of the solar system. Other goals are pursued also, such as the discovery of target asteroids for Clementine and other space missions aimed at exploration. The protection of the Earth from asteroid impact also is an important goal.

Star Gazer Home Page [] Seen on PBS [] "...dedicated to fostering increased public awareness and education in the theoretical and technological aspects of interstellar travel."

Trans Lunar Research [] "Our primary mission is to establish a corporate Moonbase at one of the Moon's poles sometime during the next decade."

U.S. Space Command [] Home Page

United States Space Foundation [] Home Page


Archimedes Institute Space Links [] Home Page

ARS Astronautica - Space Art Web Project [] Links Page

Astronomical World Wide Web Resources [] Home Page

Guide to Astronomy Resources and Organizations, A [] Home Page

Hub Page [] This website was created to support, enhance and acknowledge the 50-year effort on the part of thousands of men and women to expand our understanding of phenomena associated with the presence of extraterrestrial life forms in our world.

Model Rocketry Links [] Home Page

Space.Com [] Home Page

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