Web TV

My wife reminds me that some of these sites may not be the best use of bandwidth.


CUSeeMe Web Ring [http://home.earthlink.net/~rickbaer/cuwebring/home.html] Home Page

CUSeeMe World [http://www.cuseemeworld.com/] Home Page

Help for CUSeeMe Users [http://ask.simplenet.com/cu/cuhelp.htm] Home Page

Using CU-See-Me for Internet Videoconferencing [http://commtechlab.msu.edu/sites/letsnet/noframes/bigideas/b9/b9u3l2.html] Home Page

Warpstock CUSeeMe Broadcasts [http://www.scoug.com/cuseeme.html] Home Page


JEMMcam: Monticello Iowa Live! [http://jemmcam.jemm.com/]

Pikes Peak Cam [http://www.pikespeakcam.com/]

San Diego Baycam [http://live.net/sandiego/]

Seattle - LoftCam [http://www.loftcam.com/] Overlooks the bay

Waahington D.C. [http://wxnet4.nbc4.com/cgi-bin/showScrCap2?zoom=1/4] WeatherNet 4 - News Cam

Oddities (what isn't?)

Cooler Cam [http://www.coolercam.com/] The first Water Cooler on the Web.

Helmet Cam [http://www.wearcam.org/]

Trojan Room Coffee Machine [http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/coffee/coffee.html] One of the original web cams.

Space - Lest we forget

NASA Displays & Cam Feeds [http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/1080/nasacams.html]

Things that Move

Ferret-Cam [http://pbob.speeder.com/ferret/]

FinchCam [http://cbt.bungi.com/finchcam/fcam-alt.htm]

Iguana Cam [http://iguana.images.com/dupecam.html] Visit Dupree's home

Netscape's Fish Cam [http://www1.netscape.com/fishcam/fishcam.html] One of the first


EarthCam [http://www.earthcam.com/] The most comprehensive and easily navigated reference directory for locating live webcams on the Internet. You can browse sites by category or travel via geographical region. EarthCam also creates and produces live webcasts and provides Internet webcam solutions. - Thanks to Harold for the link.

Oink.Com Thingys on the Net Page [http://www.oink.com/thingys/]

Most of the links on this page come from the above site. If you liked these please give it a visit. You will find many more video links and things you can control too!

Tommy's List of Live Cam Worldwide [http://chili.rt66.com/ozone/cam.htm]

Webcams Sites -- WindowsMedia.com [http://windowsmedia.msn.com/OnDemand/ondemand.asp?Cat=WC] Home Page

World Wide WebCam Top 100 [http://www.worldwide-top100.com/topsites1/] Home Page

See also: Weather ]

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 Latest Revision 28 January 2001