Year 2000

Inprise's Year 2000 Readiness Definition [] Good plain English definition

BIS Definition for Y2K [] This document addresses what is commonly known as "Year 2000 Conformity" (also sometimes known as Century or Millennium Compliance). - The British Standards Institution

Ajlion Y2K Page [] Home Page

Y2K Survey [] Worth a look

Center for Millennial Studies [] Home Page

Center for Strategic and International Studies [] Nunn Y2K Task Force

Center for Y2K and Society [] " with nonprofit organizations and foundations to respond to the serious societal impacts resulting from the Y2K computer problem."

Cinderella Method [] The Basic Premise is that Small users, using older software, are not excluded from participating in surmounting the Year 2000 problem

Co-Intelligence Institute,The [] Co-intelligence is living well WITH each other and life, in real dialogue, using diversity and uniqueness creatively. It means consciously co-evolving, aware of our wholeness and interconnectedness.

Countdown 2000 [] Your guide to the millennium!

Everything 2000 [] Home Page

Liant PL/I and the Year 2000 [] Download Free Y2K Tool for PL/I

Looking at the Y2K Bug [] Home Page

Meltdown to the Year 2000 [] Are you ready for the year 2000? More importantly, is your computer system? Before reading further, perform this simple test.

Mitre Corporation's Y2K Page, The [] Home Page

NSTL Home [] The world's leading independent information technology testing organization. Download their free utility.

SAP Year 2000 Information Center [] Home Page

Terasys, Inc. Year 2000 site [] Home Page

TQM Consulting [] a complete systems integration company specializing in the AS/400 RPG and COBOL market

Y2K Citizen's Action Guide [] Home Page

ZD Net Anchor Desk Story: How Y2K Could Choke Small Business [] States that 750,000 out of 4,000,000 small businesses are at risk

For the Survivalists

End of the Commons General Store [] Bulk Foods - Thanks to Dave Earley for the link

Lehman's [] Serving the Amish and others without electricity with products for simple self-sufficient living. - Thanks to Dave Earley for the link

Real Goods Trading Corporation [] Products for an ecologically sustainable future since 1978.

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 Latest Revision 2 September 2000