Year 2000


Anchor Desk Story: How Y2K Could Choke Small Business [] States that 750,000 out of 4,000,000 small businesses are at risk

CNET Y2K [] Home Page

Com Links Magazine [] The first global broadcasting network for the issues confronting us as the New Millennium approaches.


Quick Tips for Year 2000 Readiness [] - Y2K - MSN Computing Central

Year 2000 Bug [] Y2K - MSN Computing Central

MSNBC Story: "How the CIA Sees Y2K" [] Home Page

New York Times's Millennium Bug index page [] Home Page

Summary of the Committee's Work in the 105th Congress [] U.S. Senate's recent report on Y2K - from CNN

Windows Magazine's Y2K Watch [] Home Page

ZD Y2K Countdown [] Home Page

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 Latest Revision 2 September 2000