Business Resources

2,000 Business Form Letters for all occasions [] Home Page

American Express Exchange [] Links and services

AT&T Business Services [] Home Page

Better Business Bureau [] Home Page

Resource Library [] Home Page

List of Publicications [] Home Page

Building America Television [] A pioneer in the production of in-depth behind-the-scenes news stories about businesses that are helping to build America, with emphasis on the emerging business sector.

Business Forum Online [] This service springs from ... weekly newspaper column addressing issues and questions of specific interest to the emerging business and entrepreneurs . The column avoids "taking sides" on inflammatory political and social issues that are divisive or highly controversial.

Business Management and Entrepreneurship [] Home Page

Business Research Lab [] ...experienced professionals will give you the personal service you need to ensure that your research project produces actionable results.

CIO Web Central [] Home Page

ClueTrain [ ] A powerful global conversation has begun. Through the Internet, people are discovering and inventing new ways to share relevant knowledge with blinding speed. As a direct result, markets are getting smarter—and getting smarter faster than most companies.

CyberAtlas [] Internet Statistics and Market Research for Web Marketers

Dr. Ed Yardeni's Economics Network [] Home Page

FedEx [] Home Page

Foundation for Enterprise Development (F.E.D) [] A non-profit organization which provides leading-edge equity compensation and employee ownership strategies to thousands of entrepreneurs and key executives worldwide.

Insider Reports [] Pay Attention!

ISO 9000 Information [] The News Service aims to facilitate communication between newcomers to Quality Management and those who, having already made the journey have experience to draw on and advice to share.

MicroPatent Patent Server [] Full Service Patent and Trademark Provider including electronic downloads, faxes and elecronic research systems

National Center for Employee Ownership [] The National Center for Employee Ownership (NCEO) is a private, nonprofit membership and research organization that serves as the leading source of accurate, unbiased information on employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs), broadly granted employee stock options, and employee participation programs.

Smart Ship [] Compare shipping rates

See also: Business Portals ]

See also: Directories/Business ]


Small Business Administration []

Shareware [] Home Page

U.S. Business Advisor, The []

See also: Magazines/Business ]


NOVA Plaza Business Library [] A Nice Set of Business Links

Weyand Associates - Consultant Resources [] This page contains pointers to resources for professional computer consultants. Some of these resources are owned and maintained by Weyand Associates.

WWW Yellow Pages [] University of Houston College of Business Administration

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 Latest Revision 28 January 2001