
AIBO Robot [] Home Page

Bad Astronomy [] Home Page

Bart Kosko [] Author - fuzzy thinking

Edmunds.Com [] A car buying guide that lists new car prices, used car prices. car comparisons, car buying advice, car safety reports, car shopping, auto leasing.

Experimentalist, The [] Forum for Professors, Phd, Graduate students to exchange experiments and ideas so they can collaborate more efficiently.

Federation of American Scientists [] Engaged in analysis and advocacy on science, technology and public policy for global security

Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center [] Unclassified Home Page

Global Ocean Temperatures [] Large Graphic

HMS Beagle [] Biological and medical

How the brain turns reality into dreams [] Home Page

Humanoid Robot P3 [] From Honda - check out the movies! Thanks to Ron for the link

Inventors Page - About.Com [] Home Page

Kaku, Michio Dr. , Prof. of Theoretical Physics [] Home Page

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) [] Home Page

Moller International [] Space Car

Mysteries of the Universe from MSNBC [] Home Page

National Institute for Discovery Science [] "...a privately funded science institute engaged in research of anomalous phenomena."

Nuclear Physics [] Home Page

NEIC Near Real Time Earthquake List [] Home Page

New Scientist [] News, jobs and more from the leading weekly magazine

PBS Electronic Links [] Leads to computer history sites Thanks to Ron Headley for this link

Physics Humor [] Home Page

Project Voyager [] "...the code-name of a historic enterprise currently in development under the leadership of Joe Firmage and Ann Druyan. Our teams of associates are now organizing. The company is forming a new type of visionary alliance of partners in finance, science, learning, media, and entertainment to create an "integrated experience network." Our canvas is an Internet portal, a studio, and a press. With them, we aspire to demonstrate convergence of remarkable and responsible learning and entertainment."

Reconstruction Chilbolton Radio Telescope 2000 [] Home Page

Retro Future [] Home Page

Sdai Labs [] Quantum Physics' Cutting Edge!

Satellite Oceanography Laboratory [] Realtime images form cams, and satellites. Also satellite-tracked bouys.

Science Direct [] Providing desktop access to the full text of more than 1000 scientific, medical and technical journals published by the world's leading scientific publishers.

Science Friday Online [] From the radio program science and technology news

Scientific American [] Current Issue

Science Magazine [] Home Page

Seismo-Watch [] "...a professional reporting service specializing in global and regional earthquake reports for multimedia, professionals and the general public. Also produce Earthquake Fax Alert Bulletins and Seismic Searches."

Solar Terrestrial Dispatch Homepage [] Provides information regarding the state of the Sun and its effects on Earth

Syzygy an Earthquake Prediction [] Home Page

Top Ten Unsolved Problems In Physics [] Home Page

Tree of Life, The [] Biological descriptions

Veterinary Consultant []

Why Files, The [] What makes things happen

Year of the Ocean 1998 [] Home Page


Zyvex Nanotechnology [] This site used to be listed as Xerox/PARC

Nanotechnology Magazine [] is your window into the emerging technology whose awesome power mankind will acquire, for good or evil, very early in the next century. Everything will change radically...the industrial revolution was just a preview. Find out about the millions already spent by government and private labs on the atomic manipulation of matter. Follow monthly discoveries toward the evolution of the technology sure to dominate the 21st. century.

Introduction to Nanotechnology and Nanocomputers [] From MITRE

- Thanks to Erin Garlock for the Nanotechnology links.

See also: Health ]

See also: Space ]

See also: Weather ]


US Navy Research Library - Science Resources [] Home Page

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 Latest Revision 28 January 2001