Search Engines/Portals


Copernic Download [] Download fantastic search engine from Canada - free and full versions available.

Deja.Com [] Home Page

DevSearch [] It indexes only sites that are relevant to building webpages

Google! [] Stanford's entry - one report said it is so good it is spooky

Yahoo [] The one and only

Take your best shot.

AliWeb [] Home Page

AltaVista [] Home Page

AOL NetFind [] Home Page

CPMNet's Planet IT [] Home Page

eBlast [] The Encyclopędia Britannica search engine

Excite [] Home Page [] The small advertiser's best friend. [] The small advertiser's best friend.

Infohiway [] Home Page

Infoseek [] home Page

Jayde [] Home Page

LEO [] Home Page

LookSmart [] Home Page

Lycos [] Home Page

SafetyNet [] Search Guard

Magellan [] Home Page

Matilda, AAA [] -Formerly the World Announce Archive

MSN Web Search [] Home Page [] Home Page

Nerd World [] Home Page

Net Ferret [] Home Page

Netscape Netcenter [] Home Page

Netscape Search [] Home Page

NewHoo! [] From Mozilla

Northern Light Search [] Puts output in folders - can purchase some reprints

Pinstripe [] Business Oriented

REX [] Home Page

Search Beat [] Home Page

Search Com [] Home Page

Snap [] Home Page

Starting Point [] Home Page

Tradewave Galaxy [] Home Page

Tribal Voice [] Home Page

WebCrawler [] Home Page

Your Portal.Com [] Home Page

See also: Business Portals ]

See also: Meta Search Engines ]

See also: Specialized Search ]


Guide to Effective Searching of the Interent [] Home Page

Search Engine Reviews, Ratings & Tests [] Home Page

Understanding and Comparing Search Engines [] Worth a read


Internet Search Engines [] Home Page

Search Engines and Other Links [] Lots of interesting links

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 Latest Revision 28 January 2001