

Area Code Search Engine [] Home Page

North American Area Code Lookup [] Home Page

555-1212 [] A powerful and useful Web Directory for finding the latest area code and country code information Includes Reverse Lookup

AnyWho [] residential, business, and government white and yellow pages listings. Entries can be added or updated quickly and easily. Listings feature name, telephone number, address, FAX, e-mail, home page, and toll-free numbers.

Bigfoot [] Home Page

ClassMates [] KEYWORDS - high school highschool reunions classmates alumni alumnus class friends e-mail email celebrities actors directory directories canada overseas american poppel seth conrads photo senior seniors [] Local Information

GTE SuperPages [] Home Page

Jay Computer Services Zip and Area Code Lookup [] Home Page [] InfoSpace is the Ultimate Directory! You'll find yellow pages, white pages, classifieds, shopping sites, investing information, government listings, chat rooms, and much more.

Internet Address Finder [] Internet Address Finder offers more than 6 million unique e-mail address listings.

sixdegrees [] MacroView Communications Corp., developer of sixdegrees, is in the business of creating Web-based products which help individuals build their own virtual communities based on their personal and professional relationships.

Switchboard [] Lookup names

Who's Who Online [] Home Page

WhoWhere [] the leading Communications Guide enabling people and businesses worldwide to find, connect and collaborate with each other by providing directories of email addresses, phone numbers and addresses, company URL's, free web based email and much more

WhoWhere$ Personal Home Page LookUp [] A searchable and browseable directory of 100,000+ personal home pages.

World Email [] The World Email Directory is an online Internet database search engine, with powerful search capabilities. You can now retrieve complete information even if you have only little information such as a partial email-address, a zipcode, a partial telephone-number or anything that you have.

WorldPages [] the largest international electronic directory with millions of residential, business and government listings integrated with mapping and other information

Yahoo People Search [] Home Page

See also: Directories/Business ]

See also: Directories/Local Information ]

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 Latest Revision 17 September 2000