Limpert & Company logoJeffrey A. Limpert online resume

Software Experience

System Software Experience

This information is provided for those who are looking for a specific software fit. My skill level for a particular program depends on how long ago I last used it and whether I was including it in a rollout or using it for my own work.

  • Access (PC-Mainframe Connectivity)
  • Acrobat
  • ACT
  • Aldus Persuasion
  • Aldus Freehand
  • Apple Macintosh OS
  • Blackberry Enterprise Server (BES)
  • Blackberry Smartphone Devices
  • Cannon Canofile for Windows
  • Corel Draw
  • Correct Grammar
  • CrossTalk
  • dBase
  • Extra
  • Extra for Windows
  • Fast Back
  • F3 Fill Form
  • Grace LAN
  • Grammatic III
  • Graphics Link Plus
  • Higgins E-Mail
  • Lotus 123
  • Lotus AmiPro
  • Lotus Approach
  • Lotus Freelance
  • Lotus SmartSuite
  • Lotus WordPro
  • Lotus Notes
  • Mac Tools
  • MS Access
  • MS DOS
  • MS Excel
  • MS Office
  • MS Power Point
  • MS Project
  • MS Windows 3.11
  • MS Windows for Workgroups
  • MS Windows95
  • MS Word
  • MultiMate
  • MultiMate Advantage
  • Norton Utilities (DOS, Win & Mac)
  • Omni Page
  • PageMaker
  • pcAnywhere
  • Quark Express
  • RightWriter
  • Second Site
  • Terminal Emulation Services
  • Ventura Publisher
  • VP Toolbox
  • WordStar
  • White Knight
  • WordPerfect
  • Xtree Pro
  • Zing
    and many more ...

Latest Content Revision: 5 September 1999